IBFF at The Inner Path Festival

The second annual Inner Path Festival wrapped after a five day run (September 6–10, 2013) at Azad Shawan, ICCR, in New Delhi, India. Photography, art, panels and twenty-four films were presented, including five films provided by IBFF.

The Inner Path Festival is a co-presentation of NETPAC-India, headed by Aruna Vasudev, and Suresh Jindal’s Devki Foundation. Artwork was presented by Art Konsult.

International Buddhist Film Festifal (IBFF) provided The Buddha, by David Grubin (USA), Kanzeon, by Neil Cantwell and Tim Grabham (UK), Karma, by Tsering Rhitar Sherpa (Nepal), Tulku, by Gesar Mukpo (Canada), and The Silent Holy Stones, by Pema Tseden (China). Beijing-based US director Ted Burger, a perennial IBFF presence, was represented by two short works, Alms and Vows, and Liliana Cavani’s pioneering 1974 feature Milarepa, which was first revived at IBFF 2005 BAY AREA, in San Francisco, was screened.

Participating speakers included Sulak Sivaraksa, Dr. Ravindra Panth, Askar Chingizovich Aitmatov and The 12th Kenting Tai Situpa, and there was a performance by the musical group Dharma Bums. Artists included photographers Nicholas Vreeland, Shefali Munjal, Jaime Leon Ros and Christel Pils, and sculptor Shakti Maira.

Official website.