International Buddhist Film Festival 2021 Dates Announced

IBFF 2021 will take place June 3–13 in a planned hybrid in-person and online event. Pandemic conditions and considerations of the health and safety of all involved will be determining factors in the final form of the festival.

Our long-term hosting partner the Smith Rafael Film Center (SRFC) near San Francisco, California, will be the site of the in-person screenings if it’s possible to hold them. SRFC successfully hosted a hybrid edition of the Mill Valley Film Festival last fall, and will be hosting the FYC International Features Oscar Nominees series and the DocLands documentary festival over the coming months, both exclusively online.

Programming decisions will be announced in February, and it is expected that eight to ten new films will be selected for presentation at IBFF 2021. Filmmaker introductions and conversations will be filmed in advance and will be part of each film’s online program. Ticket and pass sales are set to begin in April. Please keep abreast of developments by signing up for email updates and special offers.